
UP360 is now an eCampusOntario Official Vendor

June 19 2023

Coming of the recent success our Power Engineering Virtual Training Simulator in collaboration with eCampusOntario, we’re now excited to announce that we’re now an official vendor as part of their Ontario Exchange program! This means educators can partner with UP360 and potentially receive additional funding for immersive learning projects (such as virtual reality training or Web3D online experiences).

What is eCampusOntario?

eCampusOntario is a non-profit organization funded by the province, spearheading a consortium consisting of publicly-funded colleges, universities, and indigenous institutes. Their primary mission is to drive the progress of education technology and digital learning environments through the development and experimentation of online learning tools. Collaborating with eCampusOntario, UP360 created our groundbreaking Power Engineering simulator, which has now been effectively implemented in seven institutions across Ontario.

eCampusOntario’s mission is to:

  1. Support the development and delivery of quality online learning experiences across all of Ontario.
  2. Lead in research, development and sharing of exemplary practices in online and other forms of technology-enabled learning.
  3. Support member institutions in fostering innovation, collaboration, and excellence on behalf of Ontario students and faculty.
  4. Contribute to the evolution of teaching and learning by responding to emerging tech and the development of state-of-the art online courses and programs.

What is the Ontario Exchange

Ontario Exchange grows the creative capacity of Ontario’s virtual learning sector as a whole by supporting the partnerships and resources required to create high quality, digital-by-design educational resources. Ontario Exchange aims to promote Ontario as a leader in virtual learning by:

  • Building strong partnerships between institutions and virtual learning industry professional.
  • Funding the development of digital-by-design learning resources via the Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS).
  • Promoting shareable content across the province and providing cost savings to learners and educators.

Our first eCampus Project was a Power Engineering Virtual Training Simulator –  Check it out here

If you’re an educator in Ontario interested in pushing the boundaries of education with immersive learning, we’d love to hear from you!

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